Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why do Conservatives define me as a Liberal?

Because when you disagree with a conservative's stupid idea, they have to ume you must be a communist hippie Democrat.

Fish compatible with a Male Betta in a 10 Gallon Tank with a heater and filter?

Notorious fin-nippers include most barbs like Tiger Barbs, Tetras like Black Skirts, and sometimes mollies. Once your tank is cycled (which btw no tank can be fully cycled in 24 hours, cycling takes up to 2 weeks, during those two weeks you have to test for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates to know when the cycle is over) I recommend Zebra Danios or White Cloud Mountain Minnows. Guppies' colorful tails can often become a target for the betta to attack and neon tetras have been known to gang up on a betta or the betta will sometimes chase and attempt eat them.

Is this why people REALLY hate the monarchy?

Does it come down to one simple thing...jealousy? Are these anti-monarchists angry that they don't have all that wealth and power? They claim that the monarchy is not fair. Not fair to who---them? Do you anti-monarchist think that any average joe would have a chance in hell of being elected head of state if the throne was abolished? No, the post would go to he/she hat has the most connections and the most money to campaign. And one has to wonder what kind of person would want to be elected to such a position---probably some egomaniac that wants to be seen by everyone as they do their ceremonial work for the country. I'm sorry that this is quickly turning into a rant on my part, but I just don't get the draw behind the logic. Why does every single ******* post in the country need to be chosen by the people? Complete democracy is VERY overrated. When people are demanding to pick a purely ceremonial position with absolutely NO power whatsoever, we have to re-examine our priorities.

What do you think of the begining of my book?

Three major criticisms: There are quite a few comma splices, you really rush into introductions regarding the character's background, and the language is fairly dull.

Shouldn't attending training camp be required (re: Brett Favre) to play?

It seems like the Brett Favre hold out was to avoid Vikings training camp a 2nd year in a row. Shouldn't it be required that you attend training camp in order to be eligible to play in the first few games of the season? It seems like if the guy had any leadership skills (which the QB is supposed to be a team leader) that he would go through the same requirements that the rest of the team has to go through.

No wrong answer, fascinating people answers only...?

just a quick question, how interested would u guys and girls be in knowing the deep insides of us frats? i'm talking the real ****, all the stuff that you'd never think you'd encounter on your first visit to's a real motivation to a world of fun that you'll never forget..i'm writing a book about it and wanted some opinions...i'ts an easy to read book, no philosophic crap that bores you, pure action with real details on hazing, girls, etc..

Do you think we live in dictatorship rarther than a democracy more with this labour govenment?

You should go and live in a country with a true dictatorship for a while, then come back to your country and see the difference.