Monday, August 15, 2011

How to tell difference between whooping cough and hay fever allergies?

my baby just had her 6 month shots last week, she is 6.5mos old. she had a bit of a cough before hand, and has sneezed every day since she has been born but had no big signs of allergies and the doctors said it is normal. I asked the Dr when i took her in, about the cough and sneezing, runny nose, puffy red eyes. She said it is hay fever and that it will go away eventually as the seasons change. her dad has it every year. The doc didnt give me anything for her to take, and so i looked it up online to see what i can do at home for her. but i saw info on whooping cough, and the symptoms are very similar in the beginning, except for the red puffy eyes. She would have been vaccinated for this at her 2, 4, and 6 month shots. I am concerned because as small children me and her father both had bronchitis but didnt need puffers, and I am concerned about her getting it or not being diagnosed as soon as possible. It takes 3 weeks to get in to see her doctor and there are no pediatricians around here. I am wondering how I can tell the difference and what i can do at home to help her until i get her to a doctor? like would a humidifier help?

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