Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is this why people REALLY hate the monarchy?

Does it come down to one simple thing...jealousy? Are these anti-monarchists angry that they don't have all that wealth and power? They claim that the monarchy is not fair. Not fair to who---them? Do you anti-monarchist think that any average joe would have a chance in hell of being elected head of state if the throne was abolished? No, the post would go to he/she hat has the most connections and the most money to campaign. And one has to wonder what kind of person would want to be elected to such a position---probably some egomaniac that wants to be seen by everyone as they do their ceremonial work for the country. I'm sorry that this is quickly turning into a rant on my part, but I just don't get the draw behind the logic. Why does every single ******* post in the country need to be chosen by the people? Complete democracy is VERY overrated. When people are demanding to pick a purely ceremonial position with absolutely NO power whatsoever, we have to re-examine our priorities.

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