Saturday, August 13, 2011

Can i get into UC berkeley with a UC gpa of 3.8 and a ACT score of 30 and great great extracurriculars?

by extracurriculars i mean GREAT! i have volunteeered over 630 hours! I have joined many clubs and am presidents of 3 clubs. Then I am captain of Speech and debate, science bowl, acdemic decathalon, robotics. I have played football for over a year. And from debate i have been an octofinalist in 3 out of the 4 tournaments i have gone to and ranked top 5 % in the ranks. From robotics i helped my team win 1st place in the 2009 VEX Nationals Competition in America. Then i have done orchestra for 4 years. mentored in Islamic Reading for 2 years, in a USC medical - corporation program for 3 years, helped start an online buisness for raising money to sent to the poor and homeless people in Bangladesh, and I have done a n internship at a law firm. What do you guys think? Do I have a chance? Im really stressed out and wanted to know really badly.

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