Sunday, August 7, 2011

Christians and Gays?

I am so upset at the way Christians have treated gay people. Like they've drawn the line in the sand and gone to war with gays. It's not right. Not every Christian thinks like that, and I don't. It is true that the Bible says that ity is a sin, but so are so many things. a sin is a sin. one sin is like any other sin. They make it sound like ulaity is worse, and it's not. So you have men who lust after women all the time going around telling gay people that they are sinners. like one is worse than the other. I think they are very deceived. It's no reason to exclude gay people from your life either. They should be finding ways to include gay people into their life instead of finding ways to exclude them. I hate the way this has progressed. Like what good did it do to have to vote about gay marriage. like you;ll have gay and straight states and ten have a civil war? didn't we do that already? didn't anyone learn anything? it's so incredibly stupid(cont)

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