Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why do Conservatives define me as a Liberal?

Because when you disagree with a conservative's stupid idea, they have to ume you must be a communist hippie Democrat.

Fish compatible with a Male Betta in a 10 Gallon Tank with a heater and filter?

Notorious fin-nippers include most barbs like Tiger Barbs, Tetras like Black Skirts, and sometimes mollies. Once your tank is cycled (which btw no tank can be fully cycled in 24 hours, cycling takes up to 2 weeks, during those two weeks you have to test for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates to know when the cycle is over) I recommend Zebra Danios or White Cloud Mountain Minnows. Guppies' colorful tails can often become a target for the betta to attack and neon tetras have been known to gang up on a betta or the betta will sometimes chase and attempt eat them.

Is this why people REALLY hate the monarchy?

Does it come down to one simple thing...jealousy? Are these anti-monarchists angry that they don't have all that wealth and power? They claim that the monarchy is not fair. Not fair to who---them? Do you anti-monarchist think that any average joe would have a chance in hell of being elected head of state if the throne was abolished? No, the post would go to he/she hat has the most connections and the most money to campaign. And one has to wonder what kind of person would want to be elected to such a position---probably some egomaniac that wants to be seen by everyone as they do their ceremonial work for the country. I'm sorry that this is quickly turning into a rant on my part, but I just don't get the draw behind the logic. Why does every single ******* post in the country need to be chosen by the people? Complete democracy is VERY overrated. When people are demanding to pick a purely ceremonial position with absolutely NO power whatsoever, we have to re-examine our priorities.

What do you think of the begining of my book?

Three major criticisms: There are quite a few comma splices, you really rush into introductions regarding the character's background, and the language is fairly dull.

Shouldn't attending training camp be required (re: Brett Favre) to play?

It seems like the Brett Favre hold out was to avoid Vikings training camp a 2nd year in a row. Shouldn't it be required that you attend training camp in order to be eligible to play in the first few games of the season? It seems like if the guy had any leadership skills (which the QB is supposed to be a team leader) that he would go through the same requirements that the rest of the team has to go through.

No wrong answer, fascinating people answers only...?

just a quick question, how interested would u guys and girls be in knowing the deep insides of us frats? i'm talking the real ****, all the stuff that you'd never think you'd encounter on your first visit to's a real motivation to a world of fun that you'll never forget..i'm writing a book about it and wanted some opinions...i'ts an easy to read book, no philosophic crap that bores you, pure action with real details on hazing, girls, etc..

Do you think we live in dictatorship rarther than a democracy more with this labour govenment?

You should go and live in a country with a true dictatorship for a while, then come back to your country and see the difference.

Which film sequel are you most looking forward to in 2008?

Prince Caspian. I've been a huge fan of The Chronicles of Narnia since I was little so I can't wait to see the movie. The best part is, it comes out on my birthday! Whoo hoo!

Is it okay to name your baby something that someone in your family is already called?

Yes, its fine. Because she's not in your daily lives (i'm uming since she's a cousin) your daughter won't get confused about which Emily you are calling. Pretty name :)

Over the knee boots that don't stay up?

I just bought a pair of suede over the knee boots that don't stay past my knee as there is no lining inside of them. I'm constantly pulling them up as I walk. Is there anything I can do to rectify this other than returning them?

What can I cook with my chicken?

I love cooking! i would shred the thighs, cook penne, and add them to the chicken also some veggies- this is such a good meal that i like, i used penne, chicken, peas, carrots, salt, pepper! good luck...

Fabrics for sewing: where to get the good stuff?

For ballistic nylon, mesh, and polartec fleece try Seattle Fabrics. a href="" rel="nofollow"

Just got my BFP!!!!!!!!!!!! while on 2nd round of clomid?

oh wow honey that is amazing well done! congratulations. i wish you an super happy healthy pregnancy xx

PS3 question (WQ inside)?

It says that the new PS3 wouldn't be able to play the existing software, not that the current PS3 won't be able to play the new stuff. They won't alienate the current PS3 owners by rendering their system useless so early in the game. The PS3 is supposed to be in circulation for another 7-8 years before another system comes out.

My feelings are so hurt?

don;t be hurt over this shallow man, just be glad u found him out before and not after u invested lots of time and love. the only advice i have is that your self worth doesn't lie in if this man finds u attractive or not. we are who we are and if he didn't like what he saw then there are more fish in the sea. rejection does hurt but this has nothing to do with your self worth or how u feel about yourself. if u haven't heard from him he isn't interested so accept it and move on and find someone who isn't so shallow in his expectations.

How can I get a clear transparent gly theme for win xp?

I want to have a clear transparent aero gly skin/theme for my xp but without windowsblinds or any such softwares which need them to buy. Is there any such theme or any such freeware which can help?

What are some Meaningful Songs?

Meaningful? Just about every one of Billy Joel's Songs!!!!!!! Queen has a couple. A lot from back in the 70's-90's

Some questions about Macbeth and Shakespearean times?

When a king dies, does the thane become king as in Macbeth or the son? If the son, then why did Macbeth become the king if it was suppose to be Duncan's sons?

I have a friend who was recently in a pshychiatric hospital...?

People with mental illness are five times more likely to be the victim of abuse, while only having a similar rate of violence as the general population. Be her friend. There have been some tragic events that were at the hands of individuals with mental illness (as well as the sane), and most of them did not have a support system of family and friends. Also, many mental disorders have co-morbid (additional) disorders such as Autism, Asperger's, OCT. . . etc.

Is Aaron Rogers better than Bret Favre?

I say Aaron is better. Farve is old and it only takes a few good hits to his old body to mess him up.

Why do Dallas area teams lose so much in the worst possible ways?

u forgot to add that the afl team, the dallas desperados went 15-1 last year and lost in the first round of the playoffs. why that happens, i don't know, but it pisses me off. i guess we could call it the "dallas curse", and see who lifts it first. we must have done somehting to make the sports gods mad.

Books similar to "season on the brink"?

has anyone read John Feinstein's book about Bobby Knight? It is a season with the team type book. The author follows the team and coach with inside access for a college season. Has anyone read this or does it sound familiar to anything you've read? I really enjoyed the inside access part of it, and would be interested in learning other similar works. Thanks in advance.

What are the most well known fashion catastrophes?

For example-Socks with Sandals, big ewww. What are some other ones? This is really going to help me, so all help is appreciated!

What�s the song window in the skies about?

I have searched all around the web looking for a real true meaning for the U2 single Window in the skies....what is that song really about: a broken heart or a global condition???

How would you feel if your husbandspent more time talking with his internet g/f than u???

I don't want to sound mean BUT if you are saying that you HUSBAND had a GIRLFRIEND then I think that its time to leave. Especially if this isn't the first time.

PSAT score to qualify for National Merit Scholar Competition?

A friend of mine took the PSAT in October, and got his scores back today. He got a 198 (1980 on the real SAT). Is this high enough for him to qualify as a national merit scholar?

Friendship Crisis...?

Easiest thing to do is catch her when she is alone. Ask her how she is doing and talk about the party just for a bit. Tell her that she is a cool person. Also w/out talking down on her friends tell her that you dont think they like you and your not really sure why. If you guys click then things will take care of themselves.

Am I the only one and a half not "like, totally stoked" about ....?

that that Stewart girl's Twilight movie?? I'm more excited for the upcoming Runaways (story of Joan Jett) than Twlight, really. Just saying.

What is the name of the song to these lyrics?

pledge allegiance to the mask, That I'll carry whiskey in my flask, And anyone to diss HU, I'll leave a bloody mess of you, For we are family, you and I, 3 Tears for you, we all shall cry, All day all night, our flags will fly, The Undead Army Till The Day We Die

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Do you think a judge should p a verdict solely on a womans statement in case of ?

Can you provide a link about this judgement in Indiana. I'm really doubtful that the Supreme Court would p such an unconstitutional judgement.

My baby keeps moaning and crying once eves few mins?

he may be constipated, if that is the case try feeding him certain fruits that will help his little tummy work it out. if he isn't old enough for solids look for juices, i hear apple juice is good for loosening things up. also you can try gently maging his stomach in circular motions... hope this helps, i truly know how frustrating it can be with a fussy baby, best of luck to you

What shoes do brazilian chicks like on a man?

im going on vacation to brazil, rio to be exact with my friends, and i wnat to know what kind of shoes, shirts, and pants would brazilian girls dig!!!!!!

Will you let me know what you think?

I wonder if General Ripper wrote it. It has that familiar "precious bodily fluids" ring to it.

Should i invite my ex to move in (with his 4 kids)?

Long story short, I divorced from my son's father 7 years ago, after discovering he had a child outside of our marriage. I moved away to another state taking our son. This past year my son went to live with his father for the first time since the divorce. My ex has had a total of 4 children with the woman I left him with and has had Hell to pay for it ever since. I won't go into details, but she really turned his world upside down and he's looking like a rat on a sinking ship right about now. Its taken some time, but I've forgiven him for the betrayal. Our son is not happy living with his dad now, mainly because of the the actions of the mom of younger siblings there as well as another woman in the picture who is "not very nice to be around". Would it be admirable of me or just plain foolish to invite him to come stay with me until he gets on his feet? Let me make it clear that there are NO romantic feelings for him any longer, I just feel so bad for the guy. The irony is when we divorced I could have conjured up many terrible things I wanted to happen to him, but now that time has gone on and I've moved on I hear the things that he goes through with that woman and I think "man, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy". I think it would be a good change for him, our son, and those kids (who from the sound of things, are also going through a little hell with mommy dearest).

Anyone Else Have Super Heavy Periods After Childbirth?

Me. I can;t even go out of the house they are so got worse after my 2nd...mine used to last two days! Now they are 5 and AWFUL! Apparently it's normal...but I am asking the doc for advice.

What is the action plan if an asteroid is going to collide with Earth?

There is no action plan at all. Even if we knew it was coming we could not stop it and if we were to try and blow it up it would rain destruction all over the Earth anyways. The best thing for you to do would be to seek underground shelter with plenty of water. food & extra air to breathe till everything settles down outside.

Could society possibly ever accept this poem?

you're onto something. but, if you ask me, if society doesn't accept it.. it's probably a good poem. everybody likes a controversial topic.

McCain going to lose Arizona? A state Bush won by 11 points? His home state?

I live in AZ too, and I got so excited when I heard Obama might just win in Arizona, it would great!

Some posters in the global warming section try to link the word denier with the holocaust. Why is that?

I think it is the lowest form of man that either denies those events or using them as political leverage. I am truly amazed by that kind of hyperbole and it is morally decadent.

Major difference in RNA and DNA?

DNA is Deoxyribonucleicacid and RNA is Ribonucleicacid, the physical differences is that the Deoxy in DNA represents a sugar with one less Oxygen then the sugar Ribose in RNA. Also each as the same nitrogenous bases with the exception of Uracil (RNA) and Thyamine in (DNA) are the only difference. DNA never leaves the nucleus, RNA is the code that is created from reading DNA strand to code for proteins and what not. There are several different types of RNA, messanger RNA which reads the DNA inside the nucleus and carries it out to the transfer RNA which reads the message and retrieves the necessary Aminoacids to build a protein. Also there is ribosomal RNA which is the sight for the actual protein synthesis to take place (there are also several enzymes which play a crucial role in this process)....this is very general, but thats basically it

A Guitar Hero AC DC game or a Guitar Hero Bon Jovi?

That would be awesome.Considering really none of there songs have been used in any of the GH series.But bon jovi's living on a prayer will be in wt.

How do u fig out what the setting in the story is?

The setting is the place and the time or time period the store takes was it at night time? day time? in a store? in a house? in the 1950s? 1960s? that kind of thing tells you the setting.

Team mascot for a fantasy basketball team?

My team is making a Fantasy Basketball Team for my Sports and Event Marketing Cl. We are going to be the Reno Black Fire and we need to think of a mascot. Do you have any ideas??

What was the Wheel of Fortune bonus round answer/?

Some one deleted my taping of wheel of Forturn bonus round I wnat to know what it is please for feb.12.2009

How do you like my short story(please rate even if you dont like it?"?

i thought it was kinda boring actuall but thats just me. however the imagery and some of your vocab was good. and as you begin to read more you will find it easier to write. oh and one more thing try to add a plot twist something to make the plot a little more interesting.

The song featured in the 10/29 episode of the CW's The Game?

What is the name of the song featured in the opening and the ending of the 10/29/07 episode of The Game, and who sings the song?

If 9/11 was in fact an inside job as the doentary "Loose Change" argues, who was flying the planes?

Also, why would they go to the extent of collapsing the towers and attacking the Pentagon? Wouldn't flying planes into the buildings have been enough to create a "new Pearl Harbor"? I'm not attacking the conspiracy argument I'm just wondering.

Which names is better?

Leonardo is creative and artsy. Angelo is as well. Mario reminds me of the character and alfredo makes me think of pasta sauce. My favorite is Reccardo. !!! Hope this helps!

What type of reaction is this when barium hydroxide(aq) react with sulphuric acid(aq) to form barium sulphate(?

what type of reaction is this when barium hydroxide react with sulphuric acid and barium sulphate and water is form


My snake wont eat for some reason. She usually eats it right up. Shes supposed to be fed every 4days but its been six(the 4th day we were out of fuzzies,5th day she wouldnt eat,and 6th day she wont eat). Ive tried putting her in a lil box and sit the mouse in beside her. And ive tried cutting a slit in the mouse so itll bleed and let her lick it but she still wount eat it. I usually put it the microwave for about 10 secs until its guts are showing and she eats it right up! But my sister said it wasnt healthy for her. Its thawed all the way through, i put it between my fingers and squeezed. ive dangled it in front of er face shell look at it then slither away. Shes more active than usual and shes not getting ready to shed. Her cage might be to cold cuz i dont have a thermometer. I have a lamp and i have a reptile heating pad but everytime i go to pick her up she feels cold. How do i get her cage warmer(if it needs it) and get her to eat!!!!!!!! Shes a ball python

How much money should I be looking to spend if I want to purchase a intermediate new snowboard, boots, and bin?

How much money should I be looking to spend if I want to purchase a intermediate new snowboard, boots, and bindings?

Do you think an NRA sticker posted on your home (windows, doors etc.) would deter would-be burglars?

i think a sticker saying you have adt security would be a better choice.people would want to steal your guns if you advertised you had guns

Monday, August 15, 2011

Can I use frozen peas to make a nice thick slow cooker pea soup?

I have two big bags of frozen peas in my freezer my daughter will not eat any longer. Is there a way to use my crock pot to make pea soup out of them?

How to deal with a loss?

My boyfriend just ped away yesterday, and I am completely devastated and I have no idea how to function or continue on in life without him. Everything reminds me of him and everything hurts so so much. I cry so much I get congested and my throat gets sore from constant sobbing. I just don't know what to do.

Physics problem confused on help please!?!?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

ANYONE WHO LIVES IN WASHINGTON HELP ME!!! or even if you don't live in wahington, hellpp me!!!!!1?

I need 4 major geographic land regions, 4 common plants, 4 main sources of income, and 4 common animals!!!

What's the worst thing u've down out of desperation?

The worst thing I've done out of desperation was use a little piece of tissue off of the floor in the bathroom because there was no more on the roll, but I used the up side not the side that touched the floor and I dapped not wiped, LOL... but last night Craig said he was doing that too!

One hit wonders?

Was the movie "that thing you do" with "The Wonders" aka one hit wonders based on a tru story?

What do you think of my team 12 man league?

By giving up Berkman you gave up your main source of power. But to get Peavy back compensates, he's the best SP in baseball. You have a glut of talent at SP especially when Lackey comes back in May. I'd try to trade for some cheap power (Adam Dunn's value is low right now).

How to dress for breakfast with Congressman at Capitol Hill?

Our family is going to have breakfast at Capitol Hill with our Congressman. Anyone have any idea how we should dress? Suit and tie; Dress pants and sweater; or strictly dress pants and on down shirt, with or without a tie?

Is popular evangelical theology a way to imagine that we will not meet the consequences of our actions?

Oh, they think that they are a special breed and they can do all the wrong they wish and their Jesus is going to save them. But most of all the theology is about money.

How to tell difference between whooping cough and hay fever allergies?

my baby just had her 6 month shots last week, she is 6.5mos old. she had a bit of a cough before hand, and has sneezed every day since she has been born but had no big signs of allergies and the doctors said it is normal. I asked the Dr when i took her in, about the cough and sneezing, runny nose, puffy red eyes. She said it is hay fever and that it will go away eventually as the seasons change. her dad has it every year. The doc didnt give me anything for her to take, and so i looked it up online to see what i can do at home for her. but i saw info on whooping cough, and the symptoms are very similar in the beginning, except for the red puffy eyes. She would have been vaccinated for this at her 2, 4, and 6 month shots. I am concerned because as small children me and her father both had bronchitis but didnt need puffers, and I am concerned about her getting it or not being diagnosed as soon as possible. It takes 3 weeks to get in to see her doctor and there are no pediatricians around here. I am wondering how I can tell the difference and what i can do at home to help her until i get her to a doctor? like would a humidifier help?

My math teacher Mrs.Fonda is mean how do i make her nice.?

well, I would say try being nice, but no one likes a suck-up/teachers pet. So, I don't know what to say, except I think we've all been there! Everyone has at least 1 teacher that they hated cuz they were so mean! Mine was my math teacher too! I think we think they're mean because in our other cles, we don't have to do as many problems and it just frustrates us. ??? But we all dealt with it, so try not to focus on it so much, and think of how much worse things could be. I mean, at least she's not like the teachers that have SPECIAL relationships w/ their students; or like the teacher that got fired for doing a in the gymnasium for the entire school! So, maybe you're lucky she's not crazy! : )

Teething jell on sore gum while pregnant?

a couple of months back i had a horrible toothache brought on by a bad sinus infection. my dr okayed orajel for me and it helped. so im sure that any kind of numbing gel is okay.

Sirius Satellite Radio From Canada To The USA?

Well with my understanding you should be able to since sirius does say u get it all over north america so should unless are you moving down to the states? then it might be different

AGP Graphics card fan stops spinning after start up?

How hot does it get? Most video cards have fans that spin up fast at boot then slow down or stop until the fan is needed again. If it's not crashing, especially during gaming, you're probably fine.

What is the total number of electrons in an atom of Cu-65?

It has nothing to do with isotopes. uming the atom is not charged - not an ion, that is - the number of electrons will always equal the number of protons. There are 29 protons in Cu, so there are 29 electrons.

Why is there a black police federation and not one for white police officers?

I have noticed throughout the last few years how unfair the race relations are biased in favour of the ethnics in Britain, for example It's illegal to job advertise for whites only yet it is OK to advertise, only blacks need apply, I saw this ad for a social worker. I have never seen a white indiginous Brit pulling the race card either.

What do you think is the meaning of this poem???please help!!!!?

This is about the love between a married man and a woman. They hvave been meeting for several years already. She knows everything about him, he on the other side doesn't know much about her deep feelings. They have only limited time for meeting one another. She knows their love will never become a real relation, but she needs it anyway.

Anyone know what the weather is like in Sri lanka in july?

I'm going during July and august and I'll either be in Colombo or near the Kandy region. I've been on weather sites and they're not much help. If anyone has been during this time and could help that would be great

Is it me that is just worried about my country ? Who is REALLY in charge of the publics safety ?

lord look at what my country come to that murderes and criminals are becoming above the law, and that we are down a road of lawlesses, and barons? That's what I want to know...who de hell in charge? I guess could answer meh own question...Manning put them in charge when he met with them at Crowne Plaza....he met to broker peace and gave officialy gave away Trinidad's peace and safety. Doh expect anything new for the next five years boy Gangs peace deal beating court system.Very intresting to know that the gangsters in T&T are more disciplined than the people of the legal profession in that their rules are adheared to and enforced. Unlike the judicial system the law of the land are nothing more than useless paper in that the laws are not enforced or obeyed by anyone in that corrupt society.The killing of Justice of the Peace Winston Best should not make people cower in fear but instead move to rebuild the City of God to ensure the safety of the country.

Why do so many Christians believe that abortion is a sin?

Yes, abortion is wrong. The Lord has said, "You shall not murder," (Exodus 20:13). The life that is growing within the mother is a child, a baby. The Bible looks at the life in the womb as a child.: Exodus 21:22 says, "And if men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no further injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman's husband may demand of him; and he shall pay as the judges decide,"

Are you on edge, waiting for the results from Guam?

I gather from watching cable news that the fate our nation may depend on what the Guamians do. I couldn't sleep last night in anticipation of the vote, could you?

Saturn goin to Penske?

Does anyone else think it's a bad idea for a every-day car brand to be sold to a racing legend, who's racer just won the indy-500?

What do you think?

People like this are pathetic. Drug use is bad enough, but to put your child in danger like that is unforgivable. Whether she she knew the q tip in question was contaminated or not, she knew the drug use was going on and was exposing her child to it regardless. I have no sympathy for anyone but the child. I just read the rest of this. OMG they do deserve hell-both of them.

How do you tell if a baby is tongue tied?

My baby is 7 wks old and all along he has been swallowing so much air with his bottles to the point he has terrible gas discomfort and we have been trying to treat it with baby gas relief drops and baby bliss gripe water. He still is very fussy. It doesnt seem like he gets a good suction on his bottles or pacifier. I asked my sister in law if he could be tongue tied causing it and since she had seen a baby whose tonge was tied before she looked and thought the tie thingy under his tonge looked a little closer to the end than it should be but she wasnt sure either. Help! Thanks!

Is JMP similar to SPSS?

I know how to use JMP, but other companies seem to use SPSS and SAS more. If I want to let the hiring manager knows about my statistical ysis experience, can I say 'I used JMP, which has similar interface as SPSS (or SAS, whatever is more like it)'??

Which of the following is an example of hydrolysis?

Number 2. The breakdown of hydrolysis is HYDRO as in water and LYSIS as in to break or cut. This basically means that water is breaking off and your result is a disaccharide and water. An OH from one monosaccharide and an H from another break off to form water and the remaining valence electron openings fulfill each other.

Are my gf and I over for good?

Last night me and my gf took a break after a year and i got overwhelmed with emotion. I have been very unhappy and thinking about breaking up but when it actually became real I could not handle it. I cryed to her about how i felt and she snuggled close to me and kissed me and said she loved me and what not and said she feels like she wants things to be good again and for both of us to be happy again and a break may bring this. Does this sound like we are done or do we have hope of getting things back on track?

Question.WQ Inside!?

Eddie Guerrero's death was the one that caught me off guard the most. Benoit i refuse to comment about because he is a murderer. Flair had his time Eddie didn't. Now here is one right back to you was any of theses more shocking than Owen Hart,that was the one that made me cry mainly because i was watching the PPV

How to erase disturbance?

watch jaws and as many stupid "scary movies" as possible it helps alot to erase previous movies.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cant figure out who some one is on aim?

ok so some one im me on aim and idk who it is i have looked in their profile and they wont tell me who they there like a website or somthin that i can type in their sn an see who the person is?

What is the clification of the Darwin finches?

Darwin's finches comprise a group of perine birds first collected by Charles Darwin during his visit to the Gal�pagos Archipelago. The group, a textbook example of adaptive radiation (the diversification of a founding population into an array of species differentially adapted to diverse environmental niches), encompes 14 currently recognized species, of which 13 live on the Gal�pagos Islands and one on the Cocos Island in the Pacific Ocean. Although Darwin's finches have been studied extensively by morphologists, ecologists, and ethologists, their phylogenetic relationships remain uncertain. Here, sequences of two mtDNA segments, the cytochrome b and the control region, have been used to infer the evolutionary history of the group. The data reveal the Darwin's finches to be a monophyletic group with the warbler finch being the species closest to the founding stock, followed by the vegetarian finch, and then by two sister groups, the ground and the tree finches. The Cocos finch is related to the tree finches of the Gal�pagos Islands. The traditional clification of ground finches into six species and tree finches into five species is not reflected in the molecular data. In these two groups, ancestral polymorphisms have not, as yet, been sorted out among the cross-hybridizing species.

Is the capital seizing of liberal goverments the path to National prosperity?

Should I be arrested for asking this question Comrades? Any country boy will tell you something no Harvard Prof. will. If a steam becomes overpopulated with leeches, the trout don't survive and either do the leeches. Is this the path WE WILL CHOOSE. Do the math.

Geographic isolation of organisms increases the likelihood of genetic differentiation.?

it prevents interbreeding between the populations. The two isolated populations will breed within their own populations. Therefore the longer the two populations are seperated geographically, the greater is the likleyhood that they will be very genetically different. This is because each population can evolve different traits due to the different conditions present.

Would someone tell me what bartending is like?

A friend of mine told me that you can make really good money bartending and suggested that I get my smart serve and apply at her work[she works at a banquet hall]. I think I can do it, I mean I have enough work experience and I am old enough[19] but I am kinda shy.. Would this sort of job be suited for someone like me?

Where are all the jobs in America?

This is GREAT! My company went under in March. I am well educated and have PLENTY of training in my field yet I can't even downgrade and get a job answering phones because someone from another country will do it for minimum wage.

Do any of you know what this song is called?

That sounds like Right Here (Human Nature) by SWV featuring Michael Jackson. I love that song!!! It's really old, too. Like early to mid 90s. SWV rocks!

Hereditary Size?

Both my mom and my aunt have fairly large . Around D's or so. But my grandmother has smaller . I on the other hand don't have large s. I'm not sure if they're still growing, because I'm still at a fairly young age and we all grow at different paces. But my cousin is a D, and she is younger than me. I don't want large , but I also don't want small ones. What is the chance that my s will be the size of my mother/aunt? Or is it a possibility that I will have small like my grandmother?

Fourier series...please tell what to do next...dont know i will integrate..thanks?

Use integration by parts to reduce it to a form like 65a) in the table a href="" rel="nofollow"


Isn't a bit late to be asking this question? The site looks legit, but that doesn't prove much. Call some HR people and ask if they recognize the diploma. Also, check with some colleges and see if they accept it. That's all that really matters

My Fellow patriots. Why do some of you think that all Muslims are anti-U.S.A.? That is just B.S and ignorant..?

You are talking to irrational people that believed we attacked Iraq to liberate it, and we are staying to help the people out. The also believe that our President elect wasn't born in this country, and they are now saying that he is a muslim just because he is standing up for someones constitutional rights. There is a vast number of people in this country that take their political beliefs from Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin despite overwhelming proof that the things they say are nothing but out right lies. These are the people that go on television and call out the government for infringing on their constitutional right, but they don't have a problem doing it to someone else.

How do you play grenade by bruno mars on the cello?

i really like this song and want to play it on my cello. i need the note names and on what string to start on. also if you know any other cool songs that would be great to know those too! thanks!(:

Privacy on discussion boards?

I live in a small town. The town has a discussion board forum. If I sign up anonymously, can the moderator still figure out who I am? How? Does my personal computer itself leave a trail or does my internet connection? Bottom line: what methods will insure my privacy when commenting on public discussion boards?

Taxi service in CDO?

I have this taxi service I use when I am in Cagayan De Oro (am an Engineering Sales Manager , so I travel around Philippines a lot ) you could contact him he is quite honest . His tel number is +639283041462 Alvin , his taxi is Toyota Altis ,,He could charge you 90 USD or 3500 Pesos up to Gingoog . I would sms him so he would expect a call from someone going to Gingoog with wheelchair so he knows I referred you to him , if you call .

Whats wrong with my lower eye lid?

normally i wear contacts i have been wearing them for over 6 months and i have never had a problem until now. yesterday at night my when i rubbed my eye lids on the left side it dint hurt but i had some discomfort so i took off my contacts and when i woke up today my lower eye lid was swollen. i can see perfectly, its not painfull, its just my lower eye lid..whats wrong??tanks...should i go to the doctor or i can fix it going to walgreens???

By being involved in Watergate, didn't Nixon completely undercut diplomatic leverage in leavin Nam?

Yes that was the plan Much as Mr Bush's war on terror Do you hear the words quagmire civil war daily body count That was also a plan During WW2 both Japan and Germany talked of using liberal Jews unhappy blacks and in Japan's case Japanese living in America Today it would also include America's youth against us

How do i tell how he feels?

so theres this guy thats 2years older then me at my highschool. im in 10th and hes in 12th.its very common in my school for an age difference like that cuase its a small school and ive been with a senior before.anyways we ended up going out to dinner once and then we had plans to see a movie but his mom make him run erins for her so we were late for the movie so just went out to dinner again.i think im starting to fall for him but idk how to judge how he feels about me.would he hang out with me one on one if he wanted to be just friends?he payed for my dinner and opens the door for me.we havent done anything like kissing/holding hands or what not.he IMs me almost everynight and if he doesnt, its generaly cuase hes not home if i do go to the movies with him how do i act while seated and stuff-i mean i dont wanna cuddle up to him or anything if he just wants to be i guess bottom line is here in my situation,how do i tell/what could be some signs that he mihgt have a thing too

What was this movie called?

hey, so i saw this movie i don't know when but it feels like 5 or 6 years. what i remember is that it had a mini-tor or something like that it also had a ship that went to alot of places , there was a professor type of person who had 2 daughters is think and his wife dies , i do remember that it also took place is a dessert at one point and mayby there were 3 parts. One part or something started off with the professor leaving a school type messy study and that there was a fairytypee sparkle in the room flying around i think that it was his wife and in one part they meet Medusa . um i also remember the minitor eating chiken drumsticks.. okay so this information might be stupid or off but its all i remember and it killing me to knwo the movie name so can you tell me and BTW its not narnia


You should name your yorkie Bruno. HAHA. Imagine when you invite your friends to meet bruno. Anyone squeamish of dogs in general will love that one.

Is this the cause of Collins computerization problems ?

Each case is different as everyones personality is different, the same way we grieve differently and for how long we grieve its an individual thing :)

This is just for guy that masterbaited a lot went tsee hrew puberty and well i will let the info do the rest?

see i whack-off a lot and im 14 and my still hasnt grown so i was wondering did yalls grow whe yall did it alll the time

Why do I feel upset about my dad breaking it off with his gf of 2 years when I didnt feel upset when he?

Maybe you saw a lot of yourself in your father's girlfriend. Not in a creepy way but the personality traits and such. Maybe you have a great relationship with your mom, but you could see they just weren't good together, so you accepted that. And your dad breaking it off with the girlfriend has made you almost feel like he's breaking it off with you or has rejected a person similar to you and therefore rejecting you.

Is a woman who has a in her first year of college with 5 guys a liberated woman?

Well how many guys at NYU's liberal arts school 5000 ? She better to them 5 at a time if she going get to all of them before graduation.

Who thinks Cena will not Rest In Peace and that the spirit of John Cena will return?

Well, I've been waiting all week for this and I don't know about you but I don't think Cena will rest in peace. I hope to see his hand shoot out of a gravesite tonight so the fans no for he will return for JBL's wayward soul. That car hit Cena pretty good but I hope someone goes out to the gravesite and digs up Cena so he can return. The spirit of Cena lives within the soul of all mankind. His eternal flame that cannot be extinguished. Fans, for Cena, will not rest in peace. JBL's soul belongs to Cena!

Can anyone find good examples of run on scentences in published works?

* Once upon a time two or three weeks ago, a rather stubborn and determined middle-aged man decided to record for posterity, exactly as it happened, word by word and step by step, the story of another man for indeed what is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal, a somewhat paranoiac fellow unmarried, unattached, and quite irresponsible, who had decided to lock himself in a room a furnished room with a private bath, cooking facilities, a bed, a table, and at least one chair, in New York City, for a year 365 days to be precise, to write the story of another person—a shy young man about of 19 years old—who, after the war the Second World War, had come to America the land of opportunities from France under the sponsorship of his uncle—a journalist, fluent in five languages—who himself had come to America from Europe Poland it seems, though this was not clearly established sometime during the war after a series of rather gruesome adventures, and who, at the end of the war, wrote to the father his cousin by marriage of the young man whom he considered as a nephew, curious to know if he the father and his family had survived the German occupation, and indeed was deeply saddened to learn, in a letter from the young man—a long and touching letter written in English, not by the young man, however, who did not know a damn word of English, but by a good friend of his who had studied English in school—that his parents both his father and mother and his two sisters one older and the other younger than he had been deported they were Jewish to a German concentration camp Auschwitz probably and never returned, no doubt having been exterminated deliberately X * X * X * X, and that, therefore, the young man who was now an orphan, a displaced person, who, during the war, had managed to escape deportation by working very hard on a farm in Southern France, would be happy and grateful to be given the opportunity to come to America that great country he had heard so much about and yet knew so little about to start a new life, possibly go to school, learn a trade, and become a good, loyal citizen. (From: Double or Nothing by Raymond Federman, 1971)

How to enable standby in my laptop?

Dear All. when i used to click turn off on in XP-it show me grayed standby on which is not clickable actually. so i want to make it reappear in actual there any way expect to go to power option-click hibernet. is there any registry edition or any other way? help me please

Is losing a child to adoption worse than losing a child in death?

I would have to say that losing your child in death is much worse because there is an end and you can not take back the moments that you were not there or you can not say all the things you would like to say. As with adoption, you can one day come to terms with that child and make a life together.

What do you think of my story idea?

It sounds interesting but definitely needs more development. I would recommend that you plan everything out before you start writing to help you stay on track and take the story where it needs to go. When I'm working on the plot of a novel, I sit down and brainstorm a lot of ideas for events, characters, problems and challenges they face, etc. I ask a lot of questions like "what if this happened?" and brainstorm on that for a while, then move onto the next thing. And I always ask "why." try not to settle for the first answer that pops into your head. These first ideas tend to be less original and more cliche. If you push yourself to think outside the box and think of dozens of possibilities, you'll be able to find the ones that are most unique and best suited for your story. Just keep working on the plot and character planning until you know what you want to do, then start writing. And remember you can always go back and change things if you get to writing and realize somethings not quite right. Hope that helps.

Since the US is going broke shouldn't we consider doing more business with the commonwealth ?

Definitely trade should be expanded everywhere, including Cuba and Venezuela. It's also a good idea to establish trade with the British Commonwealth countries, because many of them are stable. There will have to be a cleaning up, because Bush created so many enemies with his imperialistic policies.

Did you see Starstruck last night? What did you think of it?

i watched it today and i thought it was great!! i was expecting a boring kids movie but i thought it was really good! i want to watch it again haha

PlayStation Portable (PSP)....???????

For u I would wait cause Sony is going to launch a slimmer PSP, it's faster and lighter. Also it will be cheaper. It comes out somtime in September. 8 GB memory sticks are the biggest at the moment.Downlosds require a PS3 networksubsription or u can use a custom firmware.

What are some things for families to do in Las Vegas?

In early April, I am taking my family to Southern California, and then after 3 days we're driving out to Las Vegas are to see the Hoover Dam and some other things. What are some other things to do in the city that families can do? I have 2 kids, my son is 14 and my daughter is 12. Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks!

Can you translate this christmas card from spanish to english?

Merry christmas grandma. We hope that you are enjoying a fabulous vacation and a happy new year. With lots of love your son, daughter in law, and your grandchildren.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

OMFG!!! Can someone answer this damn question so I can sleep?!?

Are four suitcases too much to bring for college. Am I overdoing it, how can I lighten the load, is this normal? Two big ones with clothes, small with shoes and toiletry. Fourth with sheets and blankets! geez!

How do you catch only a yellow and black finch?

I am a bird researcher and I love birds I need to catch a yellow and black finch only. I have a bird cage so I can look at them. I tied a string on the door of the bird cage and put the string over a tree branch and pulled it and it opened they go around it but not in it. also when I let go of the string the cage door closes how else can I catch a bird without spending money?

Is there any mining companies want a joint venture w/ us for our 100+ suspected Yamashita treasures sites?

Our team have doented more than 100+suspected Japanese WW2 warbooties or Yamashita treasure sites, thru more than decades of extensive treasure research, exploration and operation.We need mining companies or any group who wanted for a joint venture operation for these projects. For more info contact indianajones08 at

What type of primary sources did you find in plymouth? Thanks?

There were a couple sources of 12v power running along the body in some models. Pretty convenient for adding accessories.

How do i get rid of the"recent doent"on start menu,thanks in anticipation,?

Go to Control Panel, then Taskbar and Start Menu, then Start Menu, then Customise, then Advanced, and you should see a check box for List My Most Recently Opened Doents - uncheck the box, and that should get rid of it for you.

Is it weird to Love Metal but still like Britney spears?

i love slipknot and korn and other band like three days grace and Nirvana but i also like to listenn to pop and stuff is that weird or do i just have a wide range of taste...

Why is there such an anti-British sentiment on YA?

I idolize your great empire actually and I am American. Many people think that the British Empire was racist. It is a white guilt tactic.A jewish plan hatched to demoralize whites and destory there racial pride.

Looking for CGI movies that is based on a game (Advent Children, Resident Evil) suggestions?

just want to know if there are other CGI movie out there that is based on console games? hoping the quality is as good as FF7 advent children or atleast almost.

How can I even out things after a had somewhat of a binge yesterday?

I have a very bad sleeping schedule right now -- so I just woke up 40 minutes ago, so basically this is my morning. Yesterday I ate not so well, probably around 2,300 - well over my limit of 1,200 - 1, question is..what can I do today to even things out. I seldom go the "starvation" route, but should I just skip eating (or have only 200-300 calories) and work out hard? Would that even it out and make my body "forget" the overeating so it wouldn't have an affect on my weight loss too much by the time I weigh myself next Monday?

Do you ume that people who lived in ancient times were less intelligent than we are today?

I ume their intelligence was equal to ours. Ignorance is relative, and not the same thing as intelligence.

Can someone help me solve this calculus problem?

Cost = 1* [ 2 Ï€ r h] + 1.6*[2Ï€ r²] + [ ?] & 850000 = Ï€ r² h + [2/3]Ï€ r^3 { solve this for h and put into the cost function}....if the base is to be included then ? = 1* Ï€ r ², otherwise ? = YOU should be able to minimize the cost function

DIY distillery problems and warning sings...?

when distilling alcohol there is a tempature (normally 172 degrees) that the ethanol separates from the methanol(wood alcohol, toxic) look online to find distalation process and don't be dumb about drinking something that can be poison.. must is just starch or sugar and yeast converted in to alcohol (wine or beer) the distalation is the part that can make it toxic or not.

What word fits ? Using these words 1. abut 2. attire 3. avail 4. crony 5. cryptic 6. divergent 7. enmity?

8. fervent 9. gaunt 10. infiltrate 11. nullify 12. perceptible 13. plummet 14. proclaim 15. proxy 16. rankle 17. scavenger 18. stint 19. stoical 20. unflagging 1. Although the vulture has a a decidedly poor reputation, it does a useful job as a (n) __,clearing away decaying matter 2. Their parents had __ for many years to save the money needed to send the children to college. 3. In our community, people of many ethnic backgrounds work together without jealousy or __. 4. Instead of giving us a clear answer, the speaker confined himself to the __ prophecy that "time will tell." 5. His failure to win the election __ in his mind until it caused a complete emotional breakdown. 6. To prepare for the job interview, she __ herself in a neat, simple navy blue suit. 7. We watched in dismay as our new model airplane suddenly went out of control and __ to yhe ground. 8, We decided not to buy the house, mainly because the property it stands on unfortunately __ the noisy main highway.

I need help with my spanish homework?

rather bland...but other than some spelling mistakes.."buenas" noches...cualidades, not calidades ..

Cinnamon Ornaments, Has anyone made them?

Has anyone made them and if so what recipe did you use? I'm finding so many variations! Needing a simple one for my 3 year old to make!

What should i put on my shirt?

I think that's good enough for the words, now just splatter ur school colors all over it and give it a color blast!!

Which HDD is good for my system either existing 80GB IDE or new 160GB SATA?

I am using a Lenovo desktop computer.The system configuration is:IP4 HT 3.20GHz,80GB IDE HDD(7200RPM),1GB RAM(400MHz),16X DVD R/W and recently added a XFX Nvidia 6200 256MB DDR2 graphics card in the AGP 8X slot(disabled the onboard video),250W MAX PSU.The system motherboard supports both IDE HDD and SATA HDD.I have a new 160GB SATA(7200 RPM)HDD.Shall I remove the existing HDD and install the new HDD? or Shall I use both HDD?Please suggest.Thanks!

Why or why not?

Union employees od dep-ed went picking for one week outside the building in between breaks from monday to saturday. is the act valid?

Would you come to a wedding out of town on Valentines day? It will be a black tie gala.?

It will have a Monaco Grace Kelly type of feel. Very opulent and romantic. Families coming from DC, will be in Atlanta at a truly magical venue. Since couple spend money on dinner and gifts during this time....thought they could just come to this event. Also found airfare for UNDER $200....go Airtran!

Don't you hate infatuated teens who think they are in love after one day of dating?

yeah that's why i hate "love at first sight" movies. it's such BS. that doesn't happen in real life. you meet the person make sure they aren't a psycho and then start developing a relationship. all this kids at my school always post "i <3 u" "me amor <3333" in their headlines on their myspaces when they've been going out with them for only a couple of days lol. i completely agree. you should tell her that but maybe be a little more gentle with it.

Do you like my baby names?

Nice, and keep to the unique ones like Alice, Bella, Anne, Olivia, and Zora. Love those! Because having a very ''in style'' name like Jess or Kaitlyn means BORING. Same with your male names....but Dylan I'll make an exception for. The rest seem a little too usable like you're gonna find thirty people in a waiting with that same name.

I'm thinking of changing my name to...?

Abigail is a name I have always loved and since I'm of age now I want to legally change it. What middle name/names would you suggest as well as last name? Yes, I'm also changing my surname. I'm of Spanish descent and I'm also Jewish so I want something along those lines. (Please no common surnames like Sanchez, Garcia, etc.) And for those of you who will post things like don't change your name, changing you name is an insult to your parents, etc., I'm asking for help in searching for a name, not your opinion. Thanks to anyone who is willing to help.

What are some depressing/disturbing books/stories?

The Dexter novels by Jeff Lindsay. Protagonist is an emotionally dead serial killer who dismembers his victims.

How do you determine if an equation is a parabola, hyperbola, ellipse or a circle?

Which graph has a focus, vertex, latus rectum, directrix, axis of symmetry, foci, asymptotes... I just don't know which goes with which and if their are any missing? Like how do you look at the equation and say it's one of those four choices?

What do you think of these names?

Titus, Nico and Vincent (Vince or Vinnie for short) and for the girls, Luna is my favourite, but I also like Myra, Katrin and Novalie.

Where can i find good snowboard beanies? ?

At 's sporting goods I found a large selection. The looked super cozy and very cute! I know they had many North Face beanies and a few other brands but I'm not sure what they were...

Can i get into UC berkeley with a UC gpa of 3.8 and a ACT score of 30 and great great extracurriculars?

by extracurriculars i mean GREAT! i have volunteeered over 630 hours! I have joined many clubs and am presidents of 3 clubs. Then I am captain of Speech and debate, science bowl, acdemic decathalon, robotics. I have played football for over a year. And from debate i have been an octofinalist in 3 out of the 4 tournaments i have gone to and ranked top 5 % in the ranks. From robotics i helped my team win 1st place in the 2009 VEX Nationals Competition in America. Then i have done orchestra for 4 years. mentored in Islamic Reading for 2 years, in a USC medical - corporation program for 3 years, helped start an online buisness for raising money to sent to the poor and homeless people in Bangladesh, and I have done a n internship at a law firm. What do you guys think? Do I have a chance? Im really stressed out and wanted to know really badly.

The problem with "womens rights"?

The point of "feminism" is to replace the man in the equation with the State. Who do these "women's rights" advocates think funds / props up their movement?

Does this girl like me,she treats like shes a dog and im her master but zones out around her friends?

there's this girl im really good friends with and she carries my books for me(she offers,i do not ask),she always sharpens my pencil for me if need be,she always offers to keep my extra books in her locker,she does everything for me(again,she offers i never ask).but at lunch when she is around her friends she acts like she doesn't even know me and she has asked me to be her boyfriend,but won't give me her number!what do i do?she is black and im white and her friends are all black so im thinking she is embarred and we have kissed more than she has told me she is not a virgin.which i find is weird.and she has also told me that all of her friends except me,of course,and two others are s and she got into bed with one of them and that she got into bed with one of them and that is who she lost her virginity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is a covalent bond?

It is a bond between two or more atoms in which the electrons of the valence shell are shared to achieve the stability of a noble gas/ noble gas configuration. A molecule is formed from the resulting bond.

Help me find a online support group for depression please?

Sounds like you need to be told good things about yourself to uplift you. From....yourself. A shrink could help you with that or you can help your self. Book stores have all kinds of info. Good luck and stay strong. oh, Try a new hobby, painting cl....etc. something that will put you out of your normal life and change things up a little.

Republicans be honest ....?

How McCain, who said he would run an honest and above board campaign, knocked out Romney was in the Carolina's. He told his delegates and supporters to vote for Huckaby knowing it would knock Romney out. He knew he could not defeat Romney.

Does anyone know the name of this book?

its about teen parents the girl is abused she has a daughter who says baby help all the time and her boyfriends name is rudy they live with his mom untill she goes to a shelter

How can i find affordable housing for someone with schizophrenia?

I know that the cryder center in saint charles helps and the covenant house in saint louis. i really need to find my own place, i am capable of working and also receive $840 per month in disability, i was really smart and had 64 college credits but the medications i take made it too hard for me to continure college, do you guys know of any sites, apartments, etc... that could help me find reliable clean housing a mentally ill individual?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Has anyone here tried Peyote, and have had a profound religious/healing experience with it?

Many times. It's probably one of the most beautiful experiences imaginable. It should not be used as a recreational "trip " drug. This is a spiritual tool to all possible divine. I have def. experienced sensations whilst under the realm of it. For example one visual was a girl sitting on my couch with sea green glowing hair. She was smiling as if a comforting presence to guide me if I got lost/scared during my trip. That is what I experienced, and listening to rainfall was radiant. About the visual. I don't think it was some spirit or anything, but the parts of the brain that are not used in every day life to help me out with this.

Having a little trouble with Edgar Allan Poe?

How do the characteristics of Edgar Allan Poe's "Philosophy of Composition" & "How to write a Black wood Article" appear in Poe's poetry and stories?

Who is into MMA, Streetfighting, and Wrestiling or even Kickboxing?

I am just asking to see how many people like to Fight. I personally love the feeling of being on top of someone and just shooting straight punches onto someones nose and waiting for them to Tap OUT. Who is into that kinda stuff? I know I am. x]

Wondering about ducks?

Ok i always had a couple of ducks come to my house... 2day they were walking around my house and all of a sudden the female duck started quaking so loud when we ran outside to c wat happened all i saw was the female ducking standing around and no male... any idea wat might have happened??? can the duck leave the female??? i feel so sad 4 her she walks around and calls him and he is not comin ... will she find another male???

Hi xbox live problem?

yea just go to make one with fake random information and use that information to make an account but you do need to match a postal code with the state.

How do you thaw frozen homemade bread?

I made several loafs of Potica bread for the holidays and wrapped them in wax paper, then with aluminum foil and placed them in the freezer. Now i would like to take them out to thaw and my question is, when i take it out to thaw should i leave it wrapped in the foil and wax paper, or should i remove and just place the loaf on a wire rack? I'm worried that if i leave it wrapped up that it will end up with condensation while it is in the foil and it will make the bread soggy.

Which hoody should i get out of these?

that kitty one is way cute even tho its 21pounds aka 42$ american but that 2cnd one is on sale for 10$...gotta love a sale altho that last one is really nice too......... idk know which one!!! buy em all!!!

Calling all "Touched by an Angel" fans?

please don't answer if you have a rude answer. my question is, what is the episode where monica sings "lullaby of broadway" and dances and sings? ive seen a clip of that and i want to see the eppisode SO bad! please let me know!!! thanks!

Is it too much to gift my BF a mobile when he'll get me a necklace?

Gifts shouldn't really be about pricing what somebody gives you and trying to figure out who spent the most money. A gift for your bf should be something that comes from your heart and makes him happy. If a phone fits that description, go for it.

Is Governor Palin for teaching Creationism in public schools?

No. I think she does not want to get hung up on the issue. She says you can teach them both but is not going to introduce creationism.

Would it be very emasculating if I learned how to crochet?

I want to make cute little plush dolls. I'm sure the kids at my church would like it. And maybe I could score some points with the ladies if learning how to do this (and using a sewing machine) doesn't metaphorically neuter me.

Is Haze online servers still up?

I got Haze for free and I am getting a 120GB PS3 Slim for Christmas. I was wondering if Haze for PS3, are there online servers still up? Can you still play online?

Willie nelson song?

what is the song playing on the radio from the movie "man of the house" when the two dance after dinner? it starts off with "well hello there..."

Does anyone know how to cure toothaches after an extraction?

My mom has been miserable ever since she had a tooth extracted that had a cavity. She has been told to use salt water and motrin to ease the pain, but it only helps her so much and later after it wears off, she will feel terrible. I would like a solution that does not require medication, but something like a home remedy that will last a while and feel great.The first with a good answer will get ten points! I don't want a link, just a straightforward answer. If any doctors or dentists are out there, you help will be greatly appreciated.

Changing coin vents on radiators- can I just shut the valve that is on the radiator, - at bottom, instead of .?

My house is heating with gas. I have several radiators that are leaking at the coin vents. they , the vents need to be changed. I noticed on the bottom of the radiators there are knobs, can i just shut the knobs when changing the coin vents OR do I have to drain the whole system and refill the boiler?? I am getting conflicting answers. thanks

What is processing time for US citizens applying for Syrian tourist visa in the UAE?

well, if they told you it could take a month, and you're planning on leaving in 2 weeks, that sounds like a problem. of course, Syria and the US are trying to play nice with each other lately. maybe that will work in your favor. nice place though. I highly recommend going if you can.

How is atmospheric pressure related to weather forecasting?

Please explain in detail how atmospheric pressure is used in weather forecasting. Also please explain its advantages, disadvantages and limitations. Please cite your sources too.

What is up with this girl?

ok, im no relationship guru. and i, myself am going through a rough time with my man so im gonna just tell u my opinion. sounds to me like some mixed singles are going on. you obviously like her since you asked her out the following day. and as for her, i'd give it a bit more time. its not like she lied just to get out of a date so wait & see what happens. if she wants you, she'll be knocking on your door for sure.

Get hit by a Street bike with no insurance?

Today i was tragically hit by a street bike going well over 75 while i was almost stopped. Im fine but the biker went to the hospital with a broken pelvis/legs i believe. The police told me that motorcycles don't need insurance. What would happen if he doesn't have it? I live in Washington. How will my car get fixed?

Can I have a person arrested for ault and battery once I declined directly after the incident happened?

They continue to har and threaten me. Can I get a retraining order or have the person arrested? They caused bodily damage as well.

If Big Ben was caught late at night in the neighbor's Goat Herd, would Steeler nation still embrace him?

yes he could a goat in public and they would make some excuse to why it is OK and that he did nothing wrong. They are quite delusional

I need some information about Hepatitis C?

I was tested and the results came up positive for the HCV.The HCV RNA PCR QNT.was 1,799,000 four months ago,Was tested again last week and the HCV RNA PCR is now 11,558.000 what does this mean and what should i do about it?Thank you

People dont like me and i feel lonely! :(?

I dont have a hard time with first impressions, and i could be so confident sometimes when meeting new people. But then after a while, i feel soo unhappy with having to have to continue acting as confident as before. It may be because i'm afraid of being accepted and i've never had many friends. I've had many awkward moments with people, especially guys. I feel sooo shy around guys when i'm talking to them and making friends with them!! To me its like i feel too excited deep inside that i end up giving up and messing up. Even when anyone likes me, i feel soo uncomfortable and not good enough. I just dont know how to fix it. I'm always feeling very down and feel like life is too hard for me to live. I like 2 guys right now, and i am SO shy around them. I've humiliated myself around them 1968345345647 times!!! I feel like such a fool! How do i not feel so shy and not good enough when speaking to people? Or maybe its the other way around. Maybe i feel like i'm too goodlooking for people?? Because i am a bit in love with my looks and maybe subconsciously i feel like everyone thinks i'm goodlooking and thats what prevents me from being liked. I'm just depressed, i want friends and i wnat people to like me. But i have no friends and i feel like no one does!!! help!!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wrestling 101 - smackdown vs raw?

they already did a raw and SD with ecw invasion last year , when ecw was coming back to wwe tv, when the titles were being defended at one night stand, when rvd won the title.

Is it just me or does anyone else find people in business or finance related fields to be boring?

Yes, they are very, very boring and its because their only concern is money, money and more money. Also, they do not have a clue how to socialize or talk to people, when most of their conversation is about money in one way or another. They are blinded by it and the result is a a failure to blend in with the rest of us. These kind of people actually make me sick. They fail to see what is really important in life.

Could this really happen to start WWIII?

Israel feels threatened by Iran and attacks the nuclear facilities. Iran retaliates and launches missile attacks at Israel. Jordan and Syria attack Israel due to US help of Israel. US already has Iran on two fronts(not by accident i believe) and fortify the borders to stop aid from coming in. NK takes the opportunity and invades SK. Japan re militarizes and attacks NK and China. Russia doesn't want US control of Irans oil and attacks through Afghanistan. China stay 'neutral' but supplies NK with equipment. Could this be wwiii and escalate to war with china? Also who wins US and NATO or China russia iran and others?

Do u like dots?

hurricanes have winds of at least 75 mph and that isnt good weather to make beef stew with. anyway dont forget that yellow paper for ur P.E. cl and remember to ask ur neighboor for the mayonnaise to water the garden. But its like going to the doctor's house and fixing the carborator to the caterpilliar. But u can choose if u want to or not so its ur choice.

What Middle Infielder should I pick up off of Free Agency - Alex Gonzalez or Stephen Drew?

I'd take Drew, I like his overall ability, and the fact that he has power, speed, and nice hitting ability makes him a steady option.

Why do men think its okay to call women y when they dont know them?

Fact of life; men will say whats ever on his mind especially if he sees a pretty woman or one who looks different. Your looking for intelligence, some stimulation why not be that yourself. Like become a reader/museum lover, traveler, become interesting, instead of introverted. Since Like attracts like, put yourself in the position to meet men with some value.

Does the Poe story, "The Masque of the Red Death" touch on the evils of "elitism" and "snobbery"?

Not directly. Prince Prospero only invites his rich, high cl friends to stay with him while he hides from the Red Death, but the story doesn't necessarily touch on the 'evils' of that. What you have is a group of well behaved rich people enjoying a friend's lavish home. If the story talked of how the rich could hear the cries of the poor who were outside dying, then yes it would speak of elitism and snobbery, but since that is not the case those topics must be inferred. The ending does show that death finds everyone, not just the poor.

My bichon biteing totally out of the blue?

Amazing that all of a sudden u leave for a couple of days and the dog starts biting. That means something has changed. Its usually because of a human. Hidden camera?

Why hasn't mankind outdone itself in over 40 years?

I am of course referring to the Moon landing in 1969. It was mankind's greatest achievement. Why no lunar colony, or humans sent to Mars? Did mankind just give up? Did they say: "well we set foot on another world, we gave this whole space exploration thing a shot, that's that"? Sure, the rovers and the telescopes are great, but can't mankind do so much better? Can't we outdo ourselves, and do one single achievement that blows all prior achievements out of the water?

Is Hypnosis the devil's handiwork?

i belive is some hypnosis, but i wont say the devils handy work. I mean your talking wars coming to an end if hypnotized, but we have people in the goverment like Rice, whos a brainwasher she flys to the leaders and makes them feel all good inside, anyway, i belive in it, i belive in fourtne telling, pshycics and such and i belive in god. My ex mother in law says its the devils handiwork, but i belive its a gift givin by god, the devil dont give gifts only god does. and these people have gifts.

Whats the difference between dera sacha sauda principles and those of Jim jones and the jonestown commune?

the Jim Jones cult of the jonestown macre fame. From what I have read, they seem very much alike in their practices and preachings including the controversies and allegations of s and murders.

Best kind of goldfish for a 30 gallon tank?

I's like a pair or trio of goldfish for my tank. It will have a good filter, which I still havent figured out yet, but it will be good. Do the bubble eye always stay on the bottom? I likw them but they all seem to nose dive to the bottom of the tank and lay there most of the time. Is there a smaller type that would allow for 3 in this size tank? I like the Shubunkins but they get too big. I'd like something relatively fast growing too. There will probably be a heater set low, if only to keep the water steady. And lots of fake plants.

What would you do in this situation?

I too would have had a damn good go at that driver (altho the tiniest part of me says at least he did stop when he saw a problem - but not enough for me to forgive!!!!) but you cant trail this out now. you've done your bit - reported him - but you have made the decision not to take him to court so really what is the point in haring him further?? he was wrong to do it but phoning him up to give him ANOTHER telling off just slips you neatly into the wrong as well i think. so let it go but i hope you gave him what for when you had the chnace and that your horse will come right quickly.

I feel like an idiot, is my girl gay?

I've always been a confident guy. I'm tall, good looking, masculine, got a built body big and I think I'm pretty smart/funny.Never felt insecure next to any other guy. I'm also pretty open minded and ually liberated/experienced I guess. My girl and I do swinging, and at the clubs girls drool over me and beg us for . I don't have a problem with my girl doing another guy cuz I'm pretty sure that I'm better than him. I do it mostly for myself since I get to enjoy other gals. Here is my problem though. Few weeks ago my girl told me that at the swingers clubs that she's attracted to the girls sometimes and would like to try something with them. But she doesn't wanna do anything in front of me & likes to be alone with her. Me being the fool that I'm say K you can have any girl you want for your BD. Couple of days after her bd she comes home with a foxy chick, kinda punk rock.I sleep in the next room & all night I hear my girl moan/screaming from s. More than ever with me.

What did you think of the Detroit Lions draft choices?

I'm curious as to what people think of their picks. I personally thought they did good except for Leshoure, with Best, Morris, Logan, and Smith (if we still have him, i can't remember) a running back seemed un-neccessary. But i want to hear your input

How should I go about freeing the Middle East?

My goal in life is to make it possible for Christians to be able to liberate the Middle Eastern people from Islam. However, the act of converting Muslims is looked down upon in many places in the Middle East because the government and religious leaders there don't believe in freedom of religion. It just goes to show how barbaric radical (orthodox) Muslims truly are. This is sad, and I vow to change things for the better.

My 47 year old husband is on the verge of becoming obese, I need help!?

Hey, I can see that you are concerned with finding an effective way to lose weight. My wife had the same problem, and she was unable to succeed in any program she tried until she found this website. She was able to lose 20 pounds and now she looks great! Maybe it will help you as well.

If Sailor Moon HERSELF were to battle The Terminator {Schwarzenegger} WHO do you think would win and HOW?

Terminator (T-600) would definitely strike Sailormoon down, but it won't be standing for long. I would see a black rose tossed into the battleground, then ENDYMION (a.k.a. Tuxedomask) would take over the battle.

Don't wwe do things repetitive things with heels.?

Yes, heel's will do anything so a lot of the major heels have people at ringside (Girlfriends, Bodyguards, friends, other superstars, etc.) And most interfere in the match and help the heel win.

Speed of light experiment?

I read something to the effect that if a person were to travel from Earth on to space at the speed of light and return after 40 "earth" years, the person in the spaceship would not have aged. Could someone please explain in detail how this works?

Craigslist email system not working?

I have tried to send and receive several emails through craigslist (the anonomyzer), and they don't go through. I know its not a typo from the poster because I have tried emailing myself through the boards. I really want to buy something, but I can't because the person's not getting my emails!! how do I contact this person if they don't post any other way to get a hold of them?

Catholic funeral for a buddhist person?

yes it is wrong , imagine if another religion (Hindu , Buddhist, hell even satanist ) did a burial service for you without your consent .... but you will probably go through with it anyway because you think your right and hes wrong , while hes sitting in some afterlife that none of us sawcoming.... oh and @ idk , there are different kinds of satanism , just because one group lables themselfs as satanists , dosnt mean they own the term


Im suppose to be having my labor induced this thurs. My doctor told me that if nothing happens between last thurs and this thurs then he is going to induce my labor. I told my mom, friends, boyfriend, and family what the doctor said. now people (not all) feel the need to text me everyday asking "do you feel anything yet?", "are you in the hospital yet?" "did any contractions start?". seriously people SHUT UP!!. I understand they may be excited or worried about how im doing but damn, why cant they back off a little? I don't think anything will happen between now and thurs so I'm just expecting the doctor to induce me thurs. For people to text me and ask me this all the time it is pissing me off. I have told them numerous of times to stop because its not funny and obviously they wont. What can i do to make them stop besides cursing them out?

Does not anyone agree that Judge Mathis is a wimp?

It's a tv show, not a real courtroom. He lets people carry on because the producers think it's good television. People watch Judge Mathis because they like to laugh at the trashy people who go on the show, not because they care about the judge. It's a freak show.

Does hazing happen in Canada?

I am wanting to go to the university of victoria, but I recently read an article on hazing, and my mom said that it's very uncommon in Canada or but will occur the rare time. i was just wondering how common is it in Canada and if it did happen to you or someone you know, was it that bad or was it no big deal?

Do I have a video card slot?

You either need to open up your pc case and look for yourself, or find the make and model of your motherboard and look online to see which card it supports. Or if you have the model of your computer, you can usually go to the manufacturers site and look up the specifications, which will usually list any free slots on the motherboard.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

My husband is so sensitive I can't even say little things without him being offended?

Last night I was going to grill but he took the plate instead. I asked him if he would please use the timer (because he often forgets and things get overcooked). He freaked out, I said "is it the worst thing I can do" he said "is burning the meat the worst thing I can do" I said "no, but I'm not the one who is mad and throwing a fit about it." I said "can't I be honest with you?" I'm just saying it gives me anxiety. Can I help what gives me anxiety? I just made one little request that he use the timer. If he had just ignored me and cooked without the timer and even if he did burn it I would not say anything. I feel like I am constantly having to foot so I don't hurt his wittle feewings. PLEASE! It makes me frustrated and weary like I can't say anything. How can he find confidence where little things like that won't bother him? Last week we were going to a funeral, we got off the interstate and he started to turn left, I said I think it's this way, right. He about jumped down my throat and yelled that he knew where he was going!! Turned out I was right, we were 15 min. late but I did not say one single word, gloat, nothing. We are in our 40s, married 17 years. This is certainly no deal breaker, not contemplating divorce or anything like that. I would just like some advice from some men or women who've had similar experience how to make things better.

What is the difference between oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops?

They all taste different. But all belong to the same family. I am fascinated by how we value each one differently. Like, we get jewelry from oysters (pearls). Native Americans wove gloves out of the beards of mussels that knives couldn't . The scallop features in european design through the centuries. As to clams, you may have to ask someone from Boston. Should they be compared? Probably not anymore than siblings would want to be compared.

Why is the GOP Congress giving up their shirts to cut the budget?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

�8000 Loan with Poor Credit Rating?

I owe different companys money with the value adding up to �8,000, is there anyone that would give me a loan so I can pay this all and pay one lump sum? I have a Needs improving/poor rating!

Is Mahendra Singh Dhoni back at his best?

It's nice to score a century any day but it is also of paramount importance to know that against whom you scored a century. Hong Kong is not a team that you can take seriously. Dhoni lovers can certainly celebrate this event if they want to but it it's a net practice in my opinion.

Why are people so JUDGMENTAL when it comes to ?

I've asked a few questions on here the last couple days, trying to gain the insight, opinion, advice and perspectives of complete strangers. I only do so, as an attempt to gage how similar or different people relate to the same topics/situations. My particular dilemma has been a scenario where I've had very soon after meeting a guy and now I am having reservations that I could have sabotaged the potential for us to become a couple. Some people have been very kind, yet straightforward while I have gotten lots of "holier than thou" responses condemning me as a JEZEBEL or the first woman to ever have outside of marriage. Which BTW---regardless of how soon or late you decide to have with a new partner, if you are NOT married---it is ALL THE SAME in "HIS" eyes. So---that's why I can't fathom why some people get so righteous and judgmental when you ask questions about ual morality....

Sailor Dress-help!?

Afew weeks ago on Eastenders Roxy was wearing a sailor style dress that was navy blue and white with a big bow,it was so pretty and i know its a long shot but does anyone know where its from?

Friends problem help please?

my friend is a real ***** she asked out a guy i like and she new i liked him iwant to be her friend but i dont i really do not eant to talk to her and hate her guts mostly everyone hates her but she was my friend what should i do.......i am upset got any jokes.

How is this PC for gaming?

From what I can see it is perfect for gaming. It looks like it will run any modern games perfectly as well as any games within the next 2-4 years.

Please read the below detail.iam a user of torrent and while dowlading?

a torrent if suddenly computer goes of due to any problem it saves its history and after again openig the computer it starts downloading form were it stopped. but i want that is there any way to save this history and in any cd or floppy so that i could continue my downloading after even 10 years. if i had stopped it in between iwant that it should start downloading from were ihad stopped. soppose if i had downloaded some data and stopped in one system and save its history in any floppy or cdand in any other computer i could load this history and start download ing from were i had stopped in my previous computer. is there any way to do that. pls tell me.( iam sorry if u had not understood my question but please try to understand it and please answer it if you know about it) .pleeees


ISO Format games are for CFW PSPs Only. You would need to install a M33 Firmware, which allows you to play the games. You will need a Pandora's Battery and a MMS (Magic Memory Stick). Google it for a tutorial on how to make the Pandora's Battery and MMS

Israelis, did you support the Iraq war & did you know the biggest fear was Saddam would attack Israel? ?

I am not an Israeli, the way I saw the attack on Iraq, because of the (lack of) timeliness was a Bush family revenge for Desert Storm

What type of reaction is this? chemistry?

The reaction is wrong; there is no chlorine in the reactants, but there is chlorine in the products. Also, there is iodine in the reactants, but not in the products. If it were FeI2 on the product side, then the answer would be D

What color accessories should a redhead wear with an all black dress?

for accessories, I'd go with white rhinestones with pearls- like if you find some nice earrings and a ring that has those things it will look nice with your hair. You can also try looking for earrings and a bracelet that have ruby colored rhinestones and that will give a rich look to the dress.

Hey how do i spike my hair?

How long is your hair? I spiked mine while it was in style. But I cut it about 1 an 1/2 inches long on top. Then I used Jerri Redding(the stiffest I could find) Put in the hair gel and then hold it in place and spray, spray and spray again.This has been about 10 years ago so the products are better now so you'll have better luck.U can probably go onto the net and find better results. So goo luck.

Who shoulld I trade?

Unless you absolutely have to have Ortiz I would just stick with Adrian Gonzalez at first base, but I would look into moving Soto or Martin, I had the same plus earlier this year had Mauer and Soto and was able to package Mauer with Atkins to get A Rod from a team that did not have a good catcher.

I don't know what to do now that a cop caught me and didn't stop me!?

Today I was going home from school, and I was going about 75 in a 55. I came up on a Texas State Trooper and slowed down really fast when I realized the vehicle was a cop car. When I went past him he pointed at me and he had a radio out. I went on for a ways and he did not turn on his sirens or his lights and kept going and did not turn around right after I p him. Do I have anything to worry about or should I just take this as a warning to quit speeding?

Out of body expirence or what?

i had seen my self when i was walking only for like 2 -5 secs no other senses but sight. lke a birdseye view this happened for the third time in my life. one elemntary school. then 8th grade now im a sophmore. and there was nuthing was going on just a normal day

Help i need HELP NOW!!!!?

i have to write an essay about what i would do if i were president for homeroom!! but... i dont know any details to write a short story about being presidents like what other presidents did to be president!! if you could please look it up and give it to me by tonight!!! plz!! if so i think you are so thoughtful and caring!! XOXOXO *hugs and kisses* lol

Can I change the name of an LLC?

If I already have an LLC that is up and running and I want to change the name and type of business it does is it possible? Instead of paying the fees to incorporate a new company? Thanks for any help.

Who's your favorite/least favorite actor/actress?

I like Colin Fox because of the wonderful part he played in my most fav. T.V show "The P.S.I Factor". I also like that girl "Kate" in the Lost series. I don't remember the actoress's name.

Can you use a blackjack 2 with boos mobile?

i have the blackjack 2 and i want to get boost mobile can i unlock the phone and use a boots sim card on it?

Major problem that will effect job and maybe my future?

Okay, so i've been pretty stressed out lately with work and everything and life has just not been that great. However, two nights ago my girlfriend, Anne, took me to a Hypnotherapist for help, i really didn't want to go but she made me. (Sometimes i get the feeling shes cheating on me) but, anyways, the docotor hypnotized me into being relaxed and only he could reverse it but he had a heart attack. Now i'm very relaxed and careless and my boss, Limburgh, seems to not appreciate it. My question is what episode of Kung Fu is airing tonight?

I have a essay to write about The Great Gatsby, I just need a little help to start it.?

The prompt for the essay states: "How would the world be a better place if everyone approached life with the kind of open-mindedness about social cl that Nick's father suggest and that Nick displays in the novel?" Someone please give me a little help (:

Is there a user here who answers like..?

80% of your answers most of my u have an user who always answers ur questions?

Why am I feeling guilty?

tell him u'r not interested, if u aren't... and then tell him about your friend. guilt for what. u were just trying to help your friend, right!

Your team is down by 2, 5 seconds left....who would you want to take the last shot?

Kobe has made the most game winning shots in his career then anyone else. I think i would go to him over the others because the others have only made like one or two big shots. I would go for the tie but if an open shot presents itself from downtown dont hesitate to take it.

Where can i look to find a boiler job.?

I'm a boiler tech in the navy getting ready to separate and i'm looking for jobs that work on boilers and other power plant equipment for hospitals. where can i look for these jobs at?

Where will we find the extra �2.3 bn for EU membership?

From taxation of industries that trade with the EU? Many of whom, like Honda and Nissan which would not be here if we were not part of the EU.

Which free drawing program has a brush like Photoshop?

I'm not sure you are aware that you can download Adobe Photoshop for free for 30 days as a trial period and on the 29 day just don't renew it. and just drop it . Then a few days later do the same thing or wait just a little bit longer and then do it again.

At what age do babies learn to "self-soothe?"?

My 6.5 month old daughter will not take a pacifier and if she's really upset, she has no interest in sucking her thumb. She used to suck her thumb to comfort herself a little bit (she knows how, at least), but now I wonder if teething is making that option not so comfortable for her. She's currently waking up 2-3 times at night (after a good 3-4 months of sleeping through or only waking once). I know that at this age she shouldn't be waking up 3 times to nurse, and I'd like to replace one of those late-night snacks with an alternate soothing thing. The thing is, if I nurse her while she's still drowsy, she falls asleep quickly. If I try other things (rubbing her back, giving her a soft toy to chew on), she just gets upset and then we all wake up and it's harder to get back to sleep. Any mommies out there on the other side of this phase?

Is there any symphony of beethoven's called "othello"? if yes, then which is it?

i've heard this several times as a background score for the game "othello". i googled a lot, but couldnt find anything about it :(

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Which of these makes a better footballer?

Gio fails to realise he is talking about 40 years ago. Old school is just a thick idiot incapable of writing a single sentence that makes an ounce of sense. 2 peas in a pod. Pair of pr1cks that were absolutely gauranteed to answer this Q, solely because it mentions religion, which is the sole reason both of them, and Greenbrigade, use this forum, no interest or knowledge of football, but plenty of brainwashed-since-very-young sectarian propaganda to offer.

Great appetizer recipe?

I have something easy... buy crescent rolls. Roll the dough flat in a sheet pan. bake until golden brown. Cool. cut dough into small squares. Top with a sour cream dip like ranch or herb dip top with shredded carrot, cuber, broccoli, and its Vegetable pizza!

The BRIT awards 2011 - best single?

OMG i love the wanted. But i want scouting for girls to win, i met them once and theere really nice. I hope Cheryl cole doesnt win,she cannot even sing her "own" songs.

How can there still be nazi's?

everyone knows there is no master race.their leader adolf hitler had jewish and african roots and a jewish grandfather there is no such thing as being a pure race

The meaning of life and other questions strangers can answer on yahoo?

It may seem like a ridiculous statement outright but is the goal of yahoo answers truly what it states to answer your question or could it be a barrage of statements people who are bored throw out in order to gain some sort of gratification when it is there answer out of the mes that gets lifted above their peers and to realize someone they don't truly know has something in common with them, or is it only to reinforce ones own ignorance to ask a question and see how people who disagree with you put thought into their words are thumbed down in a version of democracy gone wrong and for someone who lazily type something harmful but you agree with so you listen to this person only because they reinforced the idea you already believed in isn't it odd that some one would ask a question only for the purpose of strengthening their own ignorance is it not the goal of a question to receive wisdom of Information you didn't yet know?

Do Texans have an annoying accent?

I met a Guy from Texas in Australia today and i told my mum how annoying hes voice is and she said all Texans are like that.

Where can i find these cleats?

I am looking for a size 7 adidas predator absolion x try fg in either white and blue but not the one with the blue stars on the kicking surface or a scarlet, dark blue, and white one. i have tried really hard to find them and now i am seeking help. please provide a link. Thank You!

What is the price you are paying for propane now?

2.369 East central Indiana. Should be cheaper,but many companies bought there winter supplies during the summer when prices were skyrocketing! Thinking they were just going to get higher!

What is the best graphic card for my pc?

whatever you choose, you are likely to have to upgrade your lowly 250 watt PSU - quite easy to do, but just as important as a decent graphics card - see PC spec on link below - I would also put a RAM upgrade fairly close to the front of my wish list of upgrades - up to 2GB at least. HTH!

What is a good dirtbike for me?

im 13 and 5"5, recently had a yamaha blaster but i want more of a thrill. im looking for a dirtbike now, there is many trails that are very wide and open for high speed experiences, and i definetly want a powerful and fast bike.

Do you hate PDA (public display of affection)?

Pionate kissing is out of place in public and only 'cheapens' the individuals involved...but hugging, hand holding and non-pionate kissing is great...

Property ownership law in michigan?

My 15 acres envelopes 2 smaller parcels of land owned by two separate home owners. One of these parcels, my land borders on three sides. The fourth side is the road. This neighbor asked one day if he could mow a 25' strip of my land the length of his property becuase i was just going to let it go to field. I allowed him to do that, it benefited me to have him mow it, and it benefitted him because it made his land look wider. Now, he has decided to take 30' the length of his property from the OTHER side... which was never offered to him. He has cut down trees, leveled it, parked his trailer on it, even moved his propane tank onto it. He has burnt it down and has had to have the fire dept called to put it out. I have warned him several times (even with property descriptions, aerial photos of the property boundaries and have had the land surveyed to show him exactly where his corner points are) that this was not okay, and don't know what to do now. He has his washing machine/sump pump discharge running onto my land and into my swamp. I'm not too disturbed by this part becuase its a swamp. BUT.... what do i do? Isn't there a law that if someone uses property for a certain amount of time, it becomes theres by default? i don't want to lose my property, and i don't know how to fend off his increasing land use.

Did I write this sonnet the right way? And what do you think of the poem in general?

its good overall. a href=";_ylt=AvCmgjpLW1YKKv6V7slxb8_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100223003958AAMjtZw";…/a

Tell me what Lebron james has proven other than he can lead a poor team?

Lebron has proven that he's not like anyone else... that he's in a cl all by himself, Kobe is a much more dominate scorer that LB but LB is a proven per, Almost unstoppable on the break unless u foul, and Taking less Money to be with a better team was something no other player has done.. ever since he did that Cliff Lee did the same, so that was unprecedented, Kobe is amazing n is one of my favorite players all time.. but remember MJ N Kobe didn't win rings until they had another great player by there side '' Shaq, Pippen'' think of Lebrons career with the Cavs, he didn't have anyone remotely as talented as MJ N Kobe had... N leading a poor team to the NBA finals by yourself is pretty impressive, but u can't win with only one great player that's why he came to Miami , N wade is a perfect compliment to James game.. GO HEAT!

What is the procedure for re-registering a car in Kerala which is shifted from Karnataka with yearly tax ?

I have purchased Hyundai Santro while I was in Kartaka in February 2007. As I am working in Public Sector Undertaking I was permitted for paying yearly tax instead of lifetime tax. Now I have shifted my residence to Kerala on account of my transfer of job 3 months back. Whether the yealy tax payment system in allowed in Kerala? If so what is the amount payable as yealy tax and what is the procedure for re registration. In Karnataka I was paying the yearly tax of Rs. 825/-.

Do you think space exploration is worth the cost?

Manned space exploration? No. Space exploration with robots and satellites? Absolutely. You don't have to feed them, give them oxygen, or bring them back.

A couple of questions about my audio system.?

All answers above are spot on. I would also add that you may be able to fabricate "L" type brackets to mount the box, but add a latching system. Use a trunk (like in an attic) or suitcase style latch in conjunction with the "L" brackets to make it removable.

Baby Girl Name, which do you prefer? "Samuela Morseth" or "Seth Angela Morise"?

Samuela Morseth it sounds sighty better you have to think are they actually going to like that when they get older

Year ten sonnet, is it good?

The sonnet is perfectly suited to modern ideas. It's a beautiful form. As such, there's no need to put in anachronisms and language that isn't part of modern vernacular. Words like "nay," "bane," "glee," and "twas" make you sound pretentious. They don't add to the meaning of the poem. Use language and phrasing that comes more naturally to you. I'd also recommend using iambic pentameter. The first line is in anapestic meter, and that's not well suited to the gravity of the subject matter.

My teacher gave me a 0?

ok we had a ignment in cl. everyone chose different movies to do a play write on. i got the movie romeo and Juliet with Leonardo di caprio. i was also the last one to turn it in. i was the last one to turn it in because we had to watch every movie that was chosen to be written by play write. well when everyone did their presentations by power point on play write they didn't do the presentation on who wrote the play, but who wrote the movie we had watched. so i umed that was what i was also suppose to do.. i did tons of research and found baz Luhrmann. he directed and rewrote the script. when i was about to do my presentation he asked me who was it i said " baz luhrmann" he said no it was Shakespeare. i said yes it was for the play but baz luhrmann rewrote the play for the movie and directed the movie. he said " baz luhrmann was only the director." i did my presentation anyways and turned in my essay i wrote for the writer of the movie and he gave me a 0! is this right? i have tons of evidence he rewrote the movie. i found 6 website that says he did.he was extremely rude during my presentation and interrupted me saying "it was not baz luhrmann it was Shakespeare. baz was the director." he interrupted me 2 times!! so immature and rude! i doubt he will let me redo the work and no extra credit is available

What do i do? does my friend like me?

ok so heres the story: im a boy, 15, and i like girls and boys(i like girls more) and i have a BIG crush on one of my best friends. he is 14 and i dont know what his uality is. we hang out with each other basically around once a week and we talk to each other everyday. and its him that texts me everyday and asks me whats up and stuff. and i love it when he texts me everyday like that everyday just to see whats up and whats goin on cuz it shows he really likes me. he has sent me text fwds that say stuff like "i love you dork, send this to 10 dorks u love" and i replied back "love u 2 dork lol" and there r very few boys i kno that have they courage to say that they love another boy and risk being called a fag by other kids. another thing is the only time i ever heard him say a gay slur was when he was quoting something. and i have never said anything was gay or someone was a fag to him. the thing is that i love him for those reasons, and yes dont tell me im to young to know what love is cuz even if it isnt romantic love it is platonic love, i do find him ually attractive but the thing tht is hot about him is how different he is from other boys r age. idk what i should do cuz i dont want to make a mistake right now and ruin an amazing friendship but i cant keep it bottled up..i think right now everyday,everytime we talk or see each other or whatever the truth gets a little more revealed.

Is this going to affect my chances at Northwestern?

One score isn't going to kill you. You are a very solid student, you shouldn't worry too much as long as you write excellent essays! Good luck! I've seen Northwestern accept much worse students (3.7 out of 4.0 GPA, 2100 SAT, and only 3 APs at a great school) because of essays presumably. When in doubt, interview and you can make up for this one flaw.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sports and Cruiser Motorcycle wave?

I honestly agree with you. if safety is an issue then I don't wave, but I will nod if appropriate. Sometimes letting go of the clutch can cause you to stall if you are not expecting it or are distracted and this can lead to other problems. Like the poster before me said, just nod if you have no hands available.

What Airsoft G36E is better the ARES g36 or the SRC Gen III G36e?

Please give pros and cons I want to know which one is the best to buy. Because they have the same FPS I want the one with pretty good rof and durability. Right now I am leaning toward the ARES G36 because it looks cooler. Please help me decide!

Creationist definition questions?

a kind for example is a dog. we no there are many kinds of dogs. big , small , long hair ,short hair, long tails , short tails , many different breeds , and many different varieties. but all are still dogs. one could breed any variety to another and come up with a new breed. but you would still have a dog. you would never, ever, get anything other than a dog. seems pretty simple to me. just saying.

Cyber Dragon Deck?

speaking as provinciel champ that uses a cyber drago/cyberdark style deck it could use some work but over all its a solid deck

What are the 3 most significant things mohandas gandhi did in his life?

He empowered the people of India against the British occupation. He taught self respect to the lowest caste. He formulated a tactic of non-violent civil disobedience which was copied by MLK, Jr. and Nelson Mandela.

I have a pot of flowering tulips, leaves are folding/curling & tips are turning brown.....what's wrong?

I was recently given a pot of flowering tulips (about a week ago). The flowers have wilted and I've snipped the stems off low near the leaves...soil has been kept moderately moist and pot is in high - but not direct - light area away from drafts. Recently the leaves have begun to fold/curl inward and the tips are brown but not crisp......I'm wondering if it's a watering issue or perhaps location (do they need to be outside?)......any info would be greatly appreciated. thanks!

My husband wants a child but im scared of birth?

Hello im 30 and my husband is 45 married 6 months,don't get me wrong i love children,and would love to be a mom,but its birth im Absolutely dreading.when you see it on movies its just scary or hear other women what they went through.There's 15 years between me and my husband.I would really like the idea,kids are lovely but how do i tell him im scared !!...We have been trying for a baby with the last 2 months ,but during that i took the pill i feel rotten.He has been really nice since we started planning a baby because he is really excited,if i tell him im scared ill break his heart and if i tell him about the pill ill really hurt him,i do understand my time is running out in having kids because im just really in a haze i haven't a clue what to do i don't know should i face my fears or what.i don't want to say im scared,he will think i am a scardy cat and i don't want to disappoint him i really don't. Please help i'll take any advice

Do i need a capacitor?

87 s10 alpine HU with built in 50 watt 4 chanel amp powering my dash 4x6's and the door speakers. The subs are two cvt12's (800 watt peak each) with a 750 watt kicker amp in other words the system is only about 800 watts. i was gonna get the optima yellow top and the alternator is high output with all of the wiring done heavy. i heard u needed one for over 1000watts rms but wasnt sure

Why isn't drew peterson in jail?

i just finished reading a book about missing mom stacey peterson. why isn't drew in jail. how can he keep getting away with these crimes, is it because he was a former cop. anyone have any opinions about this please, stacey deserves justice and so does her children

I'm in waiver position #1! Who should I choose for my Fantasy Football team?

Are you in an 8 team league? Your team is stacked. Celek would be better than Watson on a consistent basis. Number 1 waiver priority is tough to give up though.

What are some examples of the 9th amendment, i have to draw a picture of an exapmle showing it and i need hlp!?

i also dont know how to draw privacy, thats just really hard for me to figure out how to draw, i would be forever gratful to whoever would help me!

How do I stop feeling the pain over something I have no control of?

Your ex seems to be at the center of this all and the bane of your existence. If your son had a backbone; however, I don't think you would have nearly so much trouble. The DIL sounds like a female version of your ex, controlling everything with emotional black mail. Think if it was me, I'd just leave them all alone, gkids included.

Is Christianity really different from Paganism?

Christianity derives from a multitude of paganistic religions and mythologies such as egyptian, roman, greek, and norse mythology.

On Darwin and his theory of evolution?

you can search wikipedia for darwin and his work to find this info, except the second question about why it;s still valid today

I wanna wear skinny jeans, but my family think its weird!?

My advice: go with some slim-fitting jeans in a dark wash instead of the kind of skinnies that are extremely tapered and practically skintight in the calves, and your parents probably won't even notice (you can tell them you want to look more pulled together and clier or something along those lines, because baggy looks very casual and not so clean). Understated, well-fitting jeans that don't draw attention to themselves are versatile and look good. Look for the Levi's section in nearby department stores (Macy's usually has a good stock): Levi's 511s are "slim" and 514s are "straight," and both lines are more on trend than baggy jeans without looking like teenybopper emo pants. Try on a pair of each to see how they look and whether they flatter you. If you still long for a pair of skinnier skinnies, a pair of subtly snug jeans will probably help your parents get used to the look, at least.

Why Preserving Your Dialects is Very Important?

Dialects are very important, once lost they typically remain lost. It is a healthy part of wanting to maintain part of the cultural heritage.

Help with english question?

I need a sentence with a simile, metaphor, and personification in it, anyone have one, or can you give me some examples please

Do you think life has become harder?

I agree, teenagers are obsessing over the internet, and it is hurting our society as a whole. Of course, the internet is very interesting, and a place to explore many different wonders, to have knowledge at our finger tips is an advantage our ancestors never dreamed possible. However, people abuse this power by spending useless hours on it, frying their brains, gossiping with their friends, whilst there is much more important things to accomplish. It seems to strain their brain if they are required to spell out an entire word. It is pretty pathetic if you think about. Too much of a good thing is bad, which stands to truth with the statement you made.

4 year old Bed wetter☆Any Suggestions?☆?

I have a 4 year old daughter. She has a problem wetting te bed. As I did when I was her age. I heard it can be hereditary. She also waits until the very last minute during the day to go to the bathroom. I understand she is a busy body and going potty is probably the furthest thing from her mind, but she suddenly gets this look and does the peepee dance complaining she has to go. My boyfriend says that when she wets the bed she should be whipped. I disagree very strongly. I don't want to embar my daughter or make her feel guilty she feels bad enough waking up wet. I have used many suggestions. No drinks before bed, waking her in the middle of the night, positive reinforcement and having her help clean up her mess. The middle of the night works great but I am 4 months pregnant and have been very tired. It's hard to get up and take her. Is there anything else I can try? Also, any ideas on how to better explain to my boyfriend that threatening her with a is not going to help?

What is the difference between terminator 3 rise of the machines and terminator 3 redemption?

i have a ps2. i love the terminator movies and i wanted the video games what is the difference between the two of them they both seem to have to same story line. can someone please help

Giving speech in 2 hours but losing voice! HELP!?

Humidity will help you. Stick your head under a towel with a bowl or pain of hot water. This works wonders. Stay there until you have to go to the meeting. Keep a warm drink next to you such as hot chocolate, hot tea, hot coffee and sip on it. This will give you the clearest voice your going to get.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Benoits death ume?

I actually agree. If you noticed, Chris Benoit and his best friend Eddie Guerrero both won major titles at Wrestlemania 20 and they hugged each other and were crying. This makes me think they were such great friends and i think you make a great point.

How can I improve my tone on the flute?

I have been using the "smiley"embouchure for almost 3 years and it has worked fine until now. The 2nd ledger-line C is the one that I am having most problems with. Has anyone else had any problems with this note? How can I improve my tone? When I play the 2nd ledger-line C it stays in the higher register for like two seconds and then it drops down to the 3rd space C and it sounds airy in both registers.

Christians and Gays?

I am so upset at the way Christians have treated gay people. Like they've drawn the line in the sand and gone to war with gays. It's not right. Not every Christian thinks like that, and I don't. It is true that the Bible says that ity is a sin, but so are so many things. a sin is a sin. one sin is like any other sin. They make it sound like ulaity is worse, and it's not. So you have men who lust after women all the time going around telling gay people that they are sinners. like one is worse than the other. I think they are very deceived. It's no reason to exclude gay people from your life either. They should be finding ways to include gay people into their life instead of finding ways to exclude them. I hate the way this has progressed. Like what good did it do to have to vote about gay marriage. like you;ll have gay and straight states and ten have a civil war? didn't we do that already? didn't anyone learn anything? it's so incredibly stupid(cont)

Did I do the right thing?

I feel you did the right thing. We are asked in the bible how can light and darkness co exist. My answer is not too easily. Not if you are attempting to follow God. If we are open to God and his conviction we will feel some degree of unease if we are involved in sinful behaviour. The fact that people experiance pleasant effects doesn't negate the damage it does not only to themsleves but to those who love them and depend on them. It is good to express your sincere concern and committment to pray and in what ever way convey that you still love them. Also realize this could be the voice of their addiction speaking. When they say they want to they maymean they feel the need to.

Sweet quote for Filipino Mother in Law?

I'm getting a locket for a thank you present for my soon-to-be Mother in Law. I was going to put a picture of my son and I in it, and wanted to think of a nice quote to have engraved. It doesn't have to be in Tagalog, but I was thinking something about Lola or Biyenan i just don't know if that's appropriate. Please pardon my ignorance, I'm trying here! Lol. Thanks in advance!!

HELP! Obama=Antichrist?

lots of ppl tell me obama is the antichrist.....which i dont understand. Please give me your opinion on this subject and if you believe he is then tell me why!

Why the women fond of gold?

women normally not found with enough gold. most of the golds in the form of ornaments used by women. those are espicially designed for women. very little kinds found for men.

Help with this accounting problem?

On January 2nd California Inc. burrows $12,500 cash on a note payable from Silverstein with terms of 90 days, 12%. California Inc. and Silverstein lenders uses a 360 day year for interest calculations. California Inc. makes adjusting entries at the end of each calendar quarter. Journalize the initiation of the loan, the recognition of interest expense for the quarter and the payment of the note on its due date.

So..Im 20 yrs old...and I feel like I'm just pathetic right now.?

ok it will mess stuf up if he dosnt love u but if he does yor relationship will continue but i am so staying with my thousht of until matrimony so good luck

What is your DEFINITE purpose in life?

What is the most important thing you would like to accomplish in your lifetime? Try to define it in one paragraph, even if you have to keep rewriting it a hundred times until it gets as clear as possible. It has to be the most important thing in your life. Mahatma Gandhi’s definite major purpose was to win independence for India from their British rulers. He succeeded. Dr. Martin Luther King’s was equality and the end of oppression for black people. Doctor Jonas Salk’s was to find the cure and end for polio. Thomas Edison’s was the incandescent light bulb. What is yours?

The northern hemishere science question. plz help !!!?

The length of the day doesn't change...but the length of the daylight hours does. And that length is shortest on the winter solstice, which is in December.

How to study the English idioms?

The best way is hang out with english speeking people. English is my first language and spanish is the second.

Please hlp me what does + mean on my phone PLEASEEE !?

+ Is usually used when you call internationally. Just press 0 and ask for operator istance and they will help you out.

For A Seperate Peace by Jhon Knowles, I need a title for finnys funeral?

The ignment was to create a funeral for finny, and i need a clever title for it. some were "funeral for a friend" "farewell finny"

Ive been up all night with my right hand and wrist burning, tingling, hurting and going numb..........?

I literally laid on my kitchen floor crying from the pain. I have to "shake it out". feels like hot water is being poured on it, can not grasp anything-killing me to type. My left hand too, not nearly as severe. helps a LITTLE when i stand with hands hanging. I have no insurance. This is horribly painful, weird feeling.Like a weird feeling no blood is getting circulating to my fingers. HELP! sorry for typos. typing with left hand. Thanks